李爽,北京人。曾在中国青年艺术剧院从事舞台美术工作。“星星绘画”创作人之一。1979年和1980年组织参加第一、第二届“星星美展”。1983年移居法国。后继续深造。自1979年以来,曾参加国内、国际性大型联展近40余次。多幅作品被法国艾培市立美术馆、韩国汉城近代艺术国立美术馆、日本福冈亚洲近现代艺术博物馆及各国收藏家广泛收藏。出版有《爽》(台北市联合文学,1999年,李爽/阿城合著)。^_^Li Shuang(1957—)Born in Beijing. Works as a stage designer for the Chinese National Youth Art Theatre.One of the founding members of the Stars.Exhibited in both the historic shows of 1979 and 1980. Emigrated to France in 1983.Held 18 solo shows in France,Switerland and USA since then.Exhibitions of Oils have received international acclaim.Works collected by many museums in the world,including Epernay Museum,Seoul National Museum and Fukuoka Asian Art Museum. (Lot 203)